[Cham ちゃむ]缓慢而温和的ASMR触发器
This ASMR video includes super closeup whispering, tapping, inaudible whisper and gentle triggers. Slow whispering & comf…
Jinx舒服的3d助眠WENDY咀嚼口香糖的嘴巴声音小姐姐Ale ASMR的中文音声资源小哥哥Gio San Pedro核磁共振式的助眠手法Clareee轻松的麦克风轻拍和刮擦SAS-ASMREat EYE CEREAL for BREAKFAST | Kluna Tik ASMR Eating No Talkingzhangxin50308ASMR | ANSWERING QUESTIONS I'VE BEEN AVOIDING Pt.1♡framing your face ?️ asmr • measuring • personal attention • soft spokenlive ? minecraft asmr | es geht entspannt weiter [deutsch]?te hablo suave para que duermas |asmr como en la vida real? - soft spoken y soniditos relajantesasmr | fidget toysasmr: policial te abordandostop motion cooking ? how to make insect food mukbang ? funny videos asmr eating 4ksÓ foque nesse asmr...(palavras positivas tappings hands sounds)asmr for people who have school tomorrow ? || inaudible whispering face brushingasmr super relaxing haircutasmr | fast and aggressive invisible triggersasmr until i fall asleep ?