Mauve ASMR,鞋拖近场窃窃私语
朋友,我僵尸地从弗朗哥·萨托(Franco Sarto)购买了三双鞋子。真的,我几乎不记得那天。无论如何,我们得到了绑带式黑色凉鞋,红色皮靴和黑色及膝高筒靴。哪个是你最喜欢的?我对这三个都很满意。

Friends, I zombie-shopped three shoes on sale from Franco Sarto. Truly I barely remember the day. Anyway we got a strappy black sandal, a red leather bootie, and a black knee-high boot. Which is your favorite? I'm pretty pleased with all three.
Shoe Haul ? Close Whisper Show and Tell